Chinese Annual Training Plans

8 minute read

How to draw up an annual training plan

Drawing up a rational and scientific training plan is very important for both athletes and coaches. Coaches should develop the plan based on the athletes basic situation and individual characteristics, to meet the years competition goals. People normally divide the year into training periods. If there is no annual training program, the athletes technical problems cannot be effectively solved. The years training plan should include the following: analysis of the athletes current situation, division of the year into training periods, special training contents, general physical training contents, recovery training content, loading plan (ie rhythm), mentality training and competition preparation.

The annual training plan should be based on the years competition goals, divided into several training cycles, each designed to solve particular problems, eg: raise special power, work on technical weak links, improve consistency above 90% intensity (thus improving competition ability).

Athlete Situation Analysis

Each professional team with a coach is usually 4-5 athletes, and coaches must program according to each athlete's situation, eg: athlete age, gender, training age, sport ability, injuries, power and technical abilities.

Training Period Division

Competition preparedness training will go through three stages; "obtaining", "maintaining" and "temporarily fading", so the training is divided into three phases: Preparatory phase, Competition phase and Transition phase.

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Phase Prep Comp Trans Prep Comp Trans

1, Preparatory period: Basic goal is to improve the overall fitness level, heart and lung function, ability to endure hard training, and in particular to improve special heavy strength (pulling, squatting and support strength). Every week should have 12 training sessions, each lasting 90 minutes. Training should focus on strengthening technical weak links, eg athletes with a poor jerk should focus on strengthening upper body muscles and support strength.

2, Competition period: Now the goal is to maintain and consolidate an optimal competition state until the competition finishes. The major competitions are usually in April and October, called the Doublet of Periods. Weightliters particuarly want to maintain special strength, and general physical training and auxillary movement training will reduce.

3, Transition period: The main goal here is to recover from fatigue and injuries, and lay the foundation for entering the next preparatory period. The overall training load should be small in this period, gradually increasing over time.

Special Training Content

1: Competition movements: Snatch, Clean and Jerk
2: Auxillary movements: (1) Pulls: High Snatch, Above Knee Snatch, Wide Pull, Wide Hard Pull, Narrow Pull, Narrow Hard Pull, Deficit Pulls, Block Pulls etc. (2) Support: Strict Press, Push Press, Power Jerk, Rack Jerk, Jerk Support, Snatch Support etc. (3) Squats: Front Squat, Front Half Squat, Back Squat, Back Half Squat etc.

General Physical Training Content

These should ideally relate to weightlifting movements, so are focused around speed and jumping movements, eg: 30m sprint, 3 level frog jumps, football drills etc. Normally done on Thursday morning.

Recovery Training Content

The higher the sporting level, the more important recovery gets; currently national men's team has 5 full time doctors to ensure the athletes recover optimally. Recovery training normally happens at the end of each training session for around 30 minutes, consisting of massage, sauna, physiotherapy etc.

Training Load Plan

Weightlifting training sessions should be short to allow high power expression, recently the international trend has been for many short training sessions at high intensity with few repetitions. One month is the shortest training period; 3 weeks large loading, 1 week small. In 1 week there is also a rhythm; Monday, Wednesday and Friday big, Thursday small and Saturday big (resting on Sunday).

Mentality Training

Trained under the guidance of experts.

Competition Preparation

Preparation work includes: Preparing athletes equipment and clothing, controlling bodyweight, adapting to the competition special training and simulating the competition environment.

Weightlifting Whole Year Training Plan

Weightlifters must go through years of training for athletic ability to improve sufficiently to provide good results in competitions. Now the international and national competition calendars are established, we can put emphasis on development of an annual training plan.

The annual training plan includes:
1) Brief review of the previous year: overview of progress, problems and steps taken to solve them
2) Years training goal
3) Movement quality, technique, competition tactics, mentality and intelligence level training goals
4) Basic training means, requirements and methods
5) Planning training cycles for the year, each cycle's goals, time periods and exercise arrangements.

According to China's competition calendar, a year has 2 major competitions, namely mid-April and late October. Thus, the annual training plan will consist of two training phases; Winter training from December to May, and the Summer training from June to November. These are then followed into the following distinct periods:

A Preparatory Period

Goals: The main goal is improvement of the overall athletes bodily function, promoting health, improving ability to undertake training, overall sporting progression, technical improvements, study of theory, cultivating will power and good style.

Time: About 1 to 1 and a half months.

Content: Appropriately increase general physical training content, special training content suitably decrease, and plan the necessary willpower and intelligence training.

Training Load: Training load and intensity gradually increase, load increasing faster than intensity.

B Basic Period (AKA Post-Preparatory Period)

Goals: This phase has clear special features. The main goal is development of special strength, consolidation and improvement of special technique, improvement of special load capability, improvement of special training level and formation of a good competition state.

Time: About 2 to 2 and a half months.

Content: Mostly development of special auxillary, technical and semi-technical movement strength. Small number of sets of general physical training, only exercises very closely related to the special movements. Recovery is particuarly important in this phase.

Training Load: In the first half of this period load increases continue to be faster than intensity increases, but in the latter half intensity increases continue whilst overall load reduces appropriately.

C Competition Period

Goals: Continue to improve special body strength and technical ability: strengthen mentality training, competition tactic training, intelligence training and mentality education in order for the competition to go well achieve good results. Form and consolidate competition state, participate in competition and achieve outstanding results.

Time: About 1 and a half months, consisting of 1 month before competition, most important to arrange the training during this period, and half a month for the competition.

Content: Mostly competition movements and development of power in the most important special auxillary movements alongside mentality training, competition tactics training, intelligence training, thought education etc.

Training Load: Following the basic period, the intensity continues to increase, reaching maximal intensity,  and as competition approaches gradually lower volume and intensity to allow the body to recover well for the competition. After the competition, whilst recovering should maintain a suitable amount of training.

D Recovery Period

Goals: The main aim is to take a break and active recovery, enabling the whole body to relax and recover after the competition. Maintaining sports level and finish up the training cycle (or whole year's training), ready to enter the next training cycle well prepared.

Time: About 1 month.

Content: Holiday, travel, general physical training and low intensity special training. Necessary intelligence training.

Training Load: Intensity and load equally small.

6) Physical examination, functional tests and other medical supervision arrangements
7) Inspecition of training target times

Weightlifting Training Plan

1, Weeks 1-4
1. Old team members getting back to training, little training, intensity must be controlled, mostly empty barbell work, highest percentage should be 60%, training must have a certain 'density' (?), train axillary movements lots.
2. Select 10 new team members, must have 6 born after 1995.

2, Weeks 5-8
1.Complete choosing new team members, new team members must learn technique (prepare posture, narrow pull technique, begin to gain a comprehensive understanding of snatch + clean and jerk movements) and 'learn to protect from self-protection' (?).
2. Old team members training volume, progressively increase, most work done around 40% intensity, nothing above 80%, 1-3 sets. Also assistance work (narrow pulls, wide pulls, front squats, back squats, push press, strict press, rack jerks (heaviest should be 80%). Comprehensive training)

3, Weeks 9-12
1. New team members focus on beginning to learn the basics of snatch, clean and jerk technique, weight should be 10kg or lower, training 'density' should increase, intensity of assistance movements can increase slightly.
2. Old team members train mostly at 60% intensity on the technical lifts (snatch, jerk) heaviest should be 90%, 1 set, assistance movements heaviest should be 90%, 3 sets, overall training volume should increase (6 x 100m sprint, 6 x 30m sprint, back muscles 6x30, press-up 6x30)

4, Weeks 13-16
1. New team members focus on learning technical movements, weight on the bar can be adjusted according to each individuals ability, the most able can train with the old team members, training should be mostly based around the empty barbell, assistance movements should be done at an appropriate weight, overall training increases.
2. Old team members focus mostly on 70% intensity for the technical lifts, (snatch, clean & jerk) heaviest training weight should be 90% 1 set, assistance work heaviest weight should be 95% 3 sets, training volume stays the same.

5, Weeks 17-20
1. In the first half of this period, focus should be on training technique, students' maximal training weight should be 95% 3 sets.
2. In the second half of this period, training volume gradually decreases, heaviest should be 80% 3 sets.

6, Weeks 21-22
Adjustment training, heaviest weight should be 70%, 6 sets, focus on technique movements.

An old team members basic weekly training follows:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Morning exercise 1.Run 300m 1.Clean & Jerk Multi-speed run 3000m
2.Snatch 2.Step jump
3.Multi-level frog jump 3.Push ups 200 reps

Afternoon Training 1.Power clean + Push Press 12 sets 1.宽上拉:12 sets Knee Squat Snatch:12 sets
2.Back Squat:12 sets 2.Narrow hard pull:12 sets

Focus on speed and success over 90% Focus on speed and success over 90% Focus on speed

Thursday Friday Saturday
Morning exercise 2.Snatch 1.Run 3000m 1.Clean and Jerk

2.60m exercise 2.Step Jump:8 sets

3.Standing multi-jump 3.Back Squat:12 sets

Afternoon Training Ball sports 1.Clean and Jerk:1 hour 1.Power clean + Push Press:12 sets

2.Abs 2.Power clean + Power jerk

3.Push ups 200 reps


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