Chinese Programs

1 minute read

Summaries of training programs
On left are the summaries of a detailed week plan and a summary week plan of the training program of lifters in a Chinese youth sports school.
On the right are the summaries of the week training plans of some Chinese lifters, credit to @PapaYats on Instagram.

Detailed Weeks
Chinese Youth Team detailed week
PapaYats 62kg Lifter Introductory week
From my trip to the Chinese sports school
  •  Programming
    • 30min warmup (important, also some massage/stretch maybe)
    • ~1hr  barbell work (varies somewhat, just a rough minimum, but don't go too much over this)
    • ~90min  bodybuilding/prehab/stretch/massage
    • hang upside-down + walking on back at end of training sessions
    • Thursdays are active rest, Sundays are rest
    • Tuesdays and Saturdays normally squat focused
    • Standard day is 2 barbell movements followed by 2 bodybuilding movements
  • Prehab
    • any shoulder issues: upright rows, not strict, with 15kg plate. Pull to hands at forehead, 4x20, 2-3min rest
    • Elbow issues: curls, overhead tricep extensions
    • Lockout issues: strict presses
    • Pullups: use snatch or clean grip (overhand), ~10 reps in a set, hold at top for a second or so
    • Strict form completely unnecessary on bodybuilding stuff
  • Technique
    • Snatch
      • 1-2-3 position: 
        • start (very relaxed arms/entire body, tight back/core)
        • full extension (balanced on toes)
        • catch
      • move onto 1-2 position (start -> catch, smooth)
      • Must fully extend knees
      • No focus on elements of pull (maybe my pull just happened to be fine?)
      • Elbows fast lockout, pull up, keeping bar in contat with abdomen and chest, then bang, fast and strong turnover+lockout
      • Overhead, keep hook grip (coach makes all his lifters do this, recommended it for me to stop hands coming in on catch)
      • Always try to make barbell straight overhead
    • Clean
      • said my clean was fine, got crushed under max cleans, should try and power it + ride it down
    • Jerk
      • Back foot push hard, more weight on it, tense calf, push hard into floor. Heel pointing straight back, not out or in
      • Overhead strong lockout, focus on tensing triceps and making elbows straight
      • Don't allow any rotation in split position. I rotate in same way I split, so focus on right side forward and up (I split right foot back)
    • Another interesting thing about technique was that the coach advocated me powering everything, and only doing the full lifts to help warmup or when the bar forces me down
Training Hall

The skinniest guys on the team


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