How To: Snatch - Cliffnotes

less than 1 minute read

Floor to Knee

  • Floor to Knees
  • Shoulders and hips rise at same rate
  • Shoulders above or slightly in front of bar
  • Vertical/slightly back bar path
  • Knees back/out out of the bar path
  • Weight on Midfoot
  • Strong Back
Around Knees

  • Knees to base of thighs
  • Lats actively sweep the bar back into the body
  • Chest begins to rise
  • Knees travel forwards under the bar
  • Shoulders above bar
  • Weight begins transferring to rear of foot

Thigh to Hips

  • Bottom of Thighs to Hips
  • Lats continue sweeping the bar into the lifter
  • Knees and hips travelling forwards and under the bar
  • Torso shifts to vertical or almost vertical
  • Legs remain bent and loaded
  • Shoulders above/slightly behind bar
  • Weight shifts to rear of foot


  • Hips to Extension
  • Press and extend your legs violently against the floor
  • Extend the hips violently, attempting to extend upwards, not thrust forwards
  • Attempt to extend vertically, not backwards

Pull Under

  • Pull violently against the bar
  • Elbows above wrists
  • Keep a close bar path by slightly pulling your elbows behind you
  • As the bar travels above you, push upwards with your arms
  • Spread the feet if required
Catch and Recovery

  • Catch with feet flat on floor
  • Deep Squat Position
  • Upper back Strong and Stable
  • Knees out
  • Near vertical torso
  • Rise whilst keeping hips in/low
  • Hold overhead position for a few seconds


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