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Notes from China

11 minute read

Over Summer of 2015 I lived in a Chinese sport school for a month, and another week just before I left China.My Chinese is pretty bad, but I managed to, with...

Chinese Programs

1 minute read

Summaries of training programsOn left are the summaries of a detailed week plan and a summary week plan of the training program of lifters in a Chinese youth...

How to Snatch - Updated Version

6 minute read

This is another tutorial for snatching. More specific I feel, as I see a lot of people pulling incorrectly, which leads to an ugly Snatch. My main issue is p...

Takano Weightlifting Programs

less than 1 minute read

Download Spreadsheet hereSpreadsheet is a work in progress; so far I’ve done Class III to CMS. I am running the CMS macocycle at the moment and enjoying it ...

Weightlifting Performance Matrix

less than 1 minute read