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Mohamed Ehab - Clean and Jerk

less than 1 minute read

185kg Clean and Jerk at -69kg <div>Fairly standard, but blisteringly fast, impressive because a lot of people chasing speed sacrifice hitting idea...

Marcin Dolega - Clean and Jerk

less than 1 minute read

Comes up his toes quite early as a result/cause of a more inclined torso at the power position. His hip movement is very upwards, so even though he throws h...

Shi Zhiyong - Clean and Jerk

less than 1 minute read

<div style="text-align: center;"></div><iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="//" widt...

how 2 jerk

less than 1 minute read

jerken is p gud lift for wl gives gud delts and ok traps. bench is better tho cos it hits chest well gud. jerk is p simple m8 get the bar on ya shoulders, ...

Soviet Style Programming

2 minute read

Notes from Roman's Training the Weightlifter, with bits from Takano's Weightlifting ProgrammingClass system explained here Yearly volumes (all volumes are nu...